Each day the children will participate in a variety of thematic activities in the classroom. Curriculum in each area will be integrated with the theme, including:
- Recognize that God created families to love and care for each other.
- Recognize that plants, animals and human beings are God’s creations.
- Listen and act out Old and New Testament Bible stories.
- Learn through service projects, stories and daily classroom situations that Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another.
- Learn about various lives of saints.
- Learn about Vocations: married life, single life and holy orders.
- Understand there are different methods of prayer.
- Act out the Holy Triduum, Stations of the Cross and the Nativity.
- Learn about the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes and Virtues.
- Numerals 1-30.
- Count objects to 30.
- One-to-one corresponding of objects.
- Sorting by various attributes: size, color, shape.
- Patterns: AB, AABB, ABC.
- Sizes: small, medium, large.
- Basic shapes.
- Matching: symbols, shapes, patterns, etc.
- More, less, same.
- Time: day and night.
- Money: explore through manipulatives, visuals and pretend play.
- Geometric solids: explore through manipulatives and visuals.
- Sequential order.
- Exposure to the alphabet: letters, names and sounds.
- Recognize, spell and write first name.
- Re-tell familiar stories.
- Concepts of print: left to right directions, holding a book correctly.
- Draw pictures and dictate sentences about stories and experiences.
- Sequencing stories: beginning, middle and end.
- Answer questions about stories: main character, setting, etc.
- Repeat simple nursery rhymes and fingerplays.
- Build new vocabulary.
- Exposure to sight words through manipulatives and visuals.
- Build listening skills.
- Strengthen visual discrimination.
- Explore science tools: magnets, magnifying glasses, etc.
- Experience the world through nature walks.
- Observe insect life outdoors.
- Learn the life cycle of frogs, butterflies, birds and spiders.
- Observe weather and plant life during each season.
- Identify basic colors and explore color mixing.
- Explore the world with the five senses.
- Investigate animals, their habitats, and the food that they eat.
- Observe and explore different animals in our classroom.
Social Studies
- Listen to different types of ethnic music.
- Use different musical instruments from different countries.
- Read stories about children from other countries.
- Explore the world through visuals: globe, books, toys, etc.
- Celebrate multicultural holidays: Lunar New Year, Cinco de Mayo, etc.
- Taste a variety of ethnic foods.
- Explore through dance.
- Learn about Native American Indians: books, music, pictures, Native American drum and flute, clothes, jewelry and toys.
Creative Arts
- Explore a variety of art processes: painting, collage, drawing, playdough.
- Use a variety of art materials: crayons, markers, watercolor, tempera paint, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk art, glue.
- Experiment with mixing different paint colors.
- Experience art by using different methods/objects: finger paint, marble paint, various sizes of paint brushes, etc.
- Explore how to draw ourselves.
- Sing traditional songs and songs that enhance the curriculum.
- Participate in movement songs and dances.
- Use a variety of children’s instruments.
- Act out movements and sounds of music.
- Dramatize familiar stories.
- Participate in dramatic play.
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
- Develop fine motor skills: scissors, coloring, playdough, Legos, etc.
- Hold a pencil, marker and crayon correctly.
- Build hand-eye coordination.
- Develop gross motor skills: outside play, climbing, digging, tricycles, etc.
- Planned outside activities, running, skipping, hopping.
- Playing ball: catching, throwing and rolling.